What would you choose between Digital and Analog? Bi-focals is like staying in the past and Progressives as the name suggests is the present and the future.
To start with, both Bi-focals and Progressive Lenses are prescription eyeglasses meant for vision correction. As we age, our vision needs correction for seeing both near & far objects. And both Bi-focals and Progressive Lenses do this. But how effectively do they do this is another question.
To start with the Bi-focals lenses are divided into two parts. Near & Far vision. The near vision can be the lower part of the lens and the far vision the top part of the lens.
There can be several types within this for Bi-focals. Half Moon, D Shaped, Half & Half etc.
Whereas, in Progressive Lenses, as the name suggests the vision is seamless. Progressive Lenses continue to evolve and is driven by latest technology and advancements in Vision Correction.
The user automatically adjusts to Bi-focals simply because of the way one sees Near & Far things. For eg. When one reads a Newspaper or a Book, one tends to use the lower part of the eye and for seeing afar, one tends to use the upper part. This is what Bi-focals use, so the time to adjust is almost nil.
But, let’s say the same person uses a Laptop, then the vision does not adjust to this intermediate distance.
While Progressives might take a bit more time for the user to get used to, the vision is seamless across Near, Intermediate and Far distances. There are no lines separating the near and far vision, so everything becomes seamless with Progressive Lenses and vision becomes clear.
Pros & Cons:
• One can do away with Readers altogether.
• Near & Far vision is as sharp.
• There is a huge gap in the depth.
• The intermediate vision is blurry. For e.g. When one climbs down a staircase, missing a step can become common
• As the Vision keeps adjusting between Near & Far, the eyes may get strained.
Progressive Lenses:
• The Vision is sharp across all distances. Near, Intermediate or Far
• Wide Progressives also enhance the peripheral vision and allows one to see a wider spectrum
• Digitally manufactured, so the lenses are made to the users powers.
• Cost?
• Might take a week for the eyes to adapt.
Final Verdict:
Progressive Lenses are the better choice. Simply because:
a) Vision becomes seamless across all distances.
b) Eliminates the line in the lens and possibly hides the users age too.
c) Because of seamless Vision and no lines, Progressive Lenses also allows the user to choose fashionable frames.
To choose the best of progressive lenses and elegant frames,